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Chanakya Chant Ashwin Sanghi Ebook 20 ^HOT^

Chanakya Chant by Ashwin Sanghi: 20 Lessons from the Ancient Indian Political Strategist

Chanakya Chant is a bestselling ebook by Ashwin Sanghi, a renowned Indian author of historical fiction and thriller novels. The ebook tells the story of two parallel lives: one of Chanakya, the legendary political adviser and kingmaker of ancient India, and the other of Gangasagar Mishra, a modern-day political strategist and mentor of a young girl who becomes the prime minister of India.

Chanakya Chant Ashwin Sanghi Ebook 20


The ebook is based on the principles of Chanakya Neeti, a collection of aphorisms attributed to Chanakya, who is also known as Kautilya or Vishnugupta. Chanakya Neeti is considered to be one of the most influential works on statecraft, diplomacy, economics, and military strategy in Indian history.

In this article, we will explore 20 lessons from Chanakya Chant that can help you improve your life and leadership skills. These lessons are derived from the ebook itself, as well as from other sources that explain and interpret Chanakya's teachings.

Lesson 1: Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Chanakya was well aware of his own strengths and weaknesses, as well as those of his enemies and allies. He used this knowledge to devise his strategies and tactics accordingly. For example, he knew that he was not a warrior or a ruler, but a scholar and an adviser. He did not seek power or glory for himself, but served his king and his country with loyalty and wisdom.

Similarly, he knew that his enemy Dhanananda, the tyrannical king of Magadha, was arrogant, cruel, and corrupt. He exploited his weaknesses by inciting rebellions among his subjects, creating dissensions among his ministers, and forming alliances with his rivals. He also knew that Chandragupta Maurya, the young prince whom he groomed to overthrow Dhanananda, was brave, charismatic, and ambitious. He nurtured his strengths by training him in warfare, administration, and diplomacy.

You can apply this lesson by conducting a SWOT analysis of yourself and your situation. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. By identifying these factors, you can leverage your strengths, overcome your weaknesses, seize your opportunities, and mitigate your threats.

Lesson 2: Be Flexible and Adaptable

Chanakya was not rigid or dogmatic in his approach. He was flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances and situations. He did not follow a fixed set of rules or principles, but used his intelligence and creativity to find the best solution for each problem. For example, he did not hesitate to use deception, bribery, espionage, or assassination when necessary to achieve his goals. He also did not stick to one plan or strategy, but changed them according to the feedback and results he received.

You can apply this lesson by being open-minded and willing to learn from your experiences. Do not be afraid to experiment with different methods and techniques until you find what works best for you. Do not be attached to your ideas or opinions, but be ready to change them when new evidence or information emerges. Do not be complacent or satisfied with your current state, but be always looking for ways to improve and grow.

Lesson 3: Have a Clear Vision and Purpose

Chanakya had a clear vision and purpose for his life. He wanted to unite India under one empire and establish a just and prosperous society based on Dharma (righteousness). He dedicated his entire life to this cause and did not let anything distract him from it. He was not interested in personal gain or fame, but in serving the greater good of his nation and humanity.

You can apply this lesson by finding your own vision and purpose for your life. What are you passionate about? What are you good at? What do you want to achieve? What do you want to contribute? How do you want to make a difference? Answering these questions can help you discover your true calling and direction in life. Once you have a clear vision and purpose, you can align your actions and decisions with them.

Lesson 4: Learn from the Past and Plan for the Future

Chanakya was a keen student of history and a visionary planner for the future. He learned from the successes and failures of previous kings and empires, and used this knowledge to design his own policies and strategies. He also anticipated the possible scenarios and outcomes of his actions, and prepared for them accordingly. He did not rely on luck or fate, but on foresight and prudence.

You can apply this lesson by studying the past and planning for the future. Learn from the mistakes and achievements of others, and use them as inspiration and guidance. Do not repeat the same errors or follow the same patterns that led to failure or mediocrity. Also, do not live in the present without thinking about the consequences or implications of your actions. Have a long-term vision and set realistic goals and milestones. Anticipate the challenges and opportunities that may arise, and devise contingency plans for them.

Lesson 5: Build a Strong Team and Network

Chanakya was not a lone wolf or a one-man army. He built a strong team and network of supporters and allies who helped him achieve his objectives. He recruited talented and loyal people who shared his vision and values, and trained them in various skills and disciplines. He also cultivated relationships with influential and powerful people who could assist him in his endeavors. He did not isolate himself or alienate others, but collaborated and cooperated with them.

You can apply this lesson by building a strong team and network of your own. Surround yourself with positive and competent people who can complement your strengths and compensate for your weaknesses. Delegate tasks and responsibilities to them according to their abilities and interests. Appreciate their efforts and reward their performance. Also, expand your circle of contacts and connections with people who can offer you advice, support, or resources. Do not be shy or selfish, but reach out and communicate with them.

Lesson 6: Be Ethical and Principled

Chanakya was not a saint or a sinner. He was ethical and principled in his own way. He followed the concept of Dharma (righteousness), which is not a fixed or absolute code of conduct, but a relative and contextual one. He did not judge his actions by moral standards, but by their results and consequences. He did not do good or evil for their own sake, but for the sake of his vision and purpose.

You can apply this lesson by being ethical and principled in your own way. Do not blindly follow the rules or norms of society, but question them critically and rationally. Do not do things because they are expected or accepted, but because they are right or necessary. Do not let your emotions or impulses guide you, but your reason and conscience. Do not compromise your integrity or values for short-term gains or pleasures, but uphold them for long-term benefits or satisfaction.

Lesson 7: Be Confident and Courageous

Chanakya was not a timid or fearful person. He was confident and courageous in his actions and decisions. He did not doubt himself or hesitate to take risks. He faced his challenges and adversaries with determination and resolve. He did not let failures or setbacks discourage him, but learned from them and moved on. He did not let fear or anxiety paralyze him, but used them as motivation and energy.

You can apply this lesson by being confident and courageous in your own actions and decisions. Do not underestimate yourself or overestimate your problems. Believe in your abilities and potential. Take calculated risks and embrace uncertainty. Face your difficulties and opponents with calmness and confidence. Do not give up or quit when things get tough, but persevere and persist. Do not let fear or worry stop you, but use them as catalysts and drivers.

Lesson 8: Be Creative and Innovative

Chanakya was not a conventional or orthodox person. He was creative and innovative in his thinking and solutions. He did not follow the beaten path or the status quo. He explored new ideas and possibilities. He invented new methods and techniques. He adapted old concepts and practices to new situations and contexts. He did not limit himself or conform to others' expectations, but challenged them and transcended them.

You can apply this lesson by being creative and innovative in your own thinking and solutions. Do not accept things as they are or as they have always been. Question them and look for alternatives. Generate new ideas and possibilities. Experiment with new methods and techniques. Apply old concepts and practices to new situations and contexts. Do not restrict yourself or follow others' opinions, but express yourself and stand out.

Lesson 9: Be Humble and Grateful

Chanakya was not a proud or arrogant person. He was humble and grateful for his achievements and blessings. He did not boast about himself or look down on others. He acknowledged his sources and mentors. He respected his elders and peers. He appreciated his friends and supporters. He did not take anything for granted or feel entitled to anything, but valued everything he had.

You can apply this lesson by being humble and grateful for your own achievements and blessings. Do not brag about yourself or despise others. Recognize your influences and teachers. Respect your seniors and colleagues. Appreciate your friends and supporters. Do not assume anything or expect anything, but cherish everything you have.

Lesson 10: Be Balanced and Moderate

Chanakya was not a fanatic or an extremist. He was balanced and moderate in his views and actions. He did not adhere to any ideology or dogma. He did not favor any group or faction. He did not indulge in any vice or virtue. He did not go to any extreme or excess. He followed the middle path and the golden mean. He did not lose his perspective or his equilibrium, but maintained them.

You can apply this lesson by being balanced and moderate in your own views and actions. Do not cling to any belief or doctrine. Do not side with any party or sect. Do not indulge in any vice or virtue. Do not go to any extreme or excess. Follow the middle path and the golden mean. Do not lose your perspective or your equilibrium, but maintain them.

Lesson 11: Be Strategic and Tactical

Chanakya was not a random or impulsive person. He was strategic and tactical in his plans and moves. He did not act without thinking or thinking without acting. He had a clear vision and a well-defined goal. He had a comprehensive plan and a detailed roadmap. He had a set of tactics and a contingency plan. He did not leave anything to chance or fate, but controlled everything he could.

You can apply this lesson by being strategic and tactical in your own plans and moves. Do not act without thinking or thinking without acting. Have a clear vision and a well-defined goal. Have a comprehensive plan and a detailed roadmap. Have a set of tactics and a contingency plan. Do not leave anything to chance or fate, but control everything you can.

Lesson 12: Be Persistent and Patient

Chanakya was not a quitter or a rusher. He was persistent and patient in his efforts and results. He did not give up or quit when he faced obstacles or difficulties. He did not expect or demand instant results or gratification. He worked hard and smart for his objectives and outcomes. He waited for the right time and opportunity to act and succeed. He did not lose his focus or his hope, but kept them.

You can apply this lesson by being persistent and patient in your own efforts and results. Do not give up or quit when you face obstacles or difficulties. Do not expect or demand instant results or gratification. Work hard and smart for your objectives and outcomes. Wait for the right time and opportunity to act and succeed. Do not lose your focus or your hope, but keep them.


Chanakya Chant by Ashwin Sanghi is a fascinating and inspiring ebook that blends history and fiction, ancient and modern, politics and philosophy. The ebook reveals the timeless wisdom and practical lessons of Chanakya, the mastermind behind the rise of the Mauryan Empire in India. The ebook also shows how these lessons can be applied to contemporary situations and challenges by following the parallel story of Gangasagar Mishra, a modern-day Chanakya who mentors a young girl to become the prime minister of India.

In this article, we have explored 12 lessons from Chanakya Chant that can help you improve your life and leadership skills. These lessons are: know your strengths and weaknesses, be flexible and adaptable, have a clear vision and purpose, learn from the past and plan for the future, build a strong team and network, be ethical and principled, be confident and courageous, be creative and innovative, be humble and grateful, be balanced and moderate, be strategic and tactical, and be persistent and patient.

By applying these lessons to your own situations and contexts, you can achieve your goals and aspirations, overcome your challenges and difficulties, and make a positive difference in the world. You can also enjoy reading Chanakya Chant by Ashwin Sanghi as an engaging and enlightening ebook that will entertain you and educate you at the same time. d282676c82


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