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Building With Earth: Design And Technology Of A... !!LINK!!

Prof. Dr. Gernot Minke is a professor at Universität Kassel, where he leads the Forschungslabor für Experimentelles Bauen. He has long concerned himself with developments in ecological building, and he has dealt with the building material clay in theory and practice since 1977. His book Building with Straw was also published by Birkhäuser.

Building with Earth: Design and Technology of a...


Building with Earth Design and Technology of a Sustainable Architecture. For a number of years, the healthy and environment-friendly building material earth, in common use for thousands of years, has been enjoying increasing popularity, including in indus

This investment funds a commercial-scale operation designed, constructed, and operated by MP Materials at Mountain Pass. This facility will deploy new domestic HREE separation and processing technologies to enable integration of HREE products into DoD and civilian applications, ensuring downstream HREE industries have access to a reliable feedstock supplier. Additionally, this award requires MP to find innovative solutions to bring HREE production costs on par with the international market within five years of the first production batch.

Green building technology has become one of the hottest trends in construction. The benefits of a green technology application in construction are far-reaching and comprehensive, offering significant advantages when used in new facilities as well as existing structures.

Green technology makes buildings more energy-efficient and sustainable, so they have a lower carbon footprint and a reduced impact on the environment. Builders, building owners, and tenants all realise considerable benefits from the application of green construction technology.

The primary way that green technology benefits are achieved is through greater energy efficiency. In new buildings, green building construction plays a role in every phase of development. Every aspect of the structure, including siting, design, construction materials, and the systems used to run and maintain operations are chosen to be as sustainable and energy-efficient as possible.

30-40% of a commercial building is typically unoccupied at any given time. Green building technology makes use of motion detectors, RFID scanners, access card readers, and other sensors to monitor the occupancy status of building sectors. Whenever an area of a structure becomes unoccupied, green technology automatically shuts off lights and adjusts HVAC, cooling, heating, and ventilation options. Building owners can realise as much as 30% savings in their energy expenses by eliminating unnecessary energy use in this manner.

Biodegradable materials such as organic paints, therefore, aid to limit the negative impacts on the environment as they easily breakdown without the release of toxins. The use of biodegradable materials for building foundation, walls and insulators are also part of sustainable construction technologies.

SmartGrid dishwashers, refrigerators and washing machines are examples of such sustainable technologies. The technology is oriented towards establishing zero-energy homes as well as commercial buildings.

Cool roofs are sustainable green design technologies which aim at reflecting heat and sunlight away. It aids in keeping homes and buildings at the standard room temperatures by lowering heat absorption and thermal emittance.

Sustainable resource sourcing, as the name suggests, is a prime example of sustainable construction technology because it ensures the use of construction materials designed and created from recycled products, which have to be environmentally friendly.

Sustainable construction technologies typically include mechanisms to lessen energy consumption. The construction of buildings with wood, for instance, is a sustainable construction technology because it has a lower embodied energy in comparison to those built of steel or concrete. Sustainable green construction also makes use of designs that cut back air leakage and allows for free flow of air while at the same time using high-performance windows and insulation techniques.

These techniques are meant to reduce the dependence on air conditioning and interior heating. Further, the strategic placement of windows is another technique that encourages day-lighting thereby minimizing the need for electric lighting in the course of the day. The use of renewable energy such as solar for lighting and water heating is also part of a low-energy house and zero-energy building design. The initial costs of setting up zero-energy buildings may be high, but they pay off in the long-term.

It is incorporated into the buildings control system, therefore, allowing users to choose the amount of solar radiation to block. With this technology, homes and commercial buildings can save a lot on heating, ventilating, and air conditioning costs. The smart glass is still being perfected and is soon set to be fully used in sustainable construction as a smart energy-saving technology.

The advancement of constructing self-powered buildings is an art of sustainable construction technology. The reason is based on the fact that self-powered buildings bring about the realisation of zero-energy construction.

The buildings are designed such that they are able to generate sufficient power to support their own energy needs and even direct surplus energy back into the power grid. In most cases, wind power technology is used and it is highly common in skyscrapers whereby wind turbines are mounted at the rooftops. The constant and heavy air currents at higher altitudes propel the turbine blades which generates the power requirements for the building.

Rammed earth brick is an ancient construction technology which has lately been re-introduced to cater for the demands of environmental sustainability. The technique uses sustainably sourced raw materials. Due to technological advancements, the process of building a rammed-earth structure has been made easier but it still follows the ancient preparation process.

Moist earth mixture and hard substances like gravel or clay are mixed with stabilising elements such as concrete and compacted to create dense, hard walls. The sourcing and formation process of rammed-earth bricks makes it ideal for sustainable construction as it lessens environmental impacts and the material can equally stabilise the temperature of a building. Rammed-earth structures contribute to fewer emissions and ensure the buildings remain cool in the summer and warm in the winter.

The future development path at Teraciel Group is focused on the requirements of conscious and sustainable development by ensuring, inter alia, effective environmental policies and regulations, the application of best available technology, the development and support of strong environmental institutions both externally and internally, and advocacy campaigns for behavioural change. Great design and construction shouldn't come at an environmental cost, but rather work in a sustainable relationship with the environment and make minimal impact.

The Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board (DDESB) has established uniform minimum AE safety standards for personnel and property that have the potential of being exposed to the effects of an accidental explosion. These standards govern the design, construction, and use of all AE storage magazines within the Department of Defense.

Earth Covered Magazine (ECM) structures are built to store AE. They are not designed to resist the damaging effects from an internal explosion, although they can effectively contain the effects from an explosion of very small AE quantities. ECMs are designed to protect their contents and prevent propagation of an explosion that may occur in an adjacent magazine. Proper siting of an ECM, from other Potential Explosion Sites (PES) and Exposed Sites (ES) including operations buildings, piers, aboveground magazines, rail sidings, classification yards, etc, ensures against unacceptable damage and injuries in the event of an accidental explosion.

ECM designs fall within three basic structural hardness classifications; "7-Bar", "3-Bar" and "Undefined" depending upon the relative ability to resist blast loadings. The DDESB has established design criteria for each of the ECM classifications, and approved the classification of previously designed ECMs. DDESB Technical Paper (TP) 15 summarizes the development of AE storage facilities and documents approved protective construction designs.

Any changes to approved designs, other than minimal site adaptation, that in any way may affect the explosive safety of the magazine design will not be used for construction without coordination and approval from the appropriate design agency and from the DDESB.

Siting criteria for ECMs has been developed by the DDESB to define the minimum required separation distances between an ECM as a PES and ES that would be impacted from an accidental explosion. Minimum separation distances have been established between ECM and other magazines, operating buildings, inhabited buildings, and public traffic routes to ensure uniform minimum explosive safety standards for DoD facilities. Minimum separation distances are determined by the level of protection mandated by the applicable explosive safety standard, the ECM classification, the ES type, the quantity and type of AE within a PES, the physical orientation between the PES and the ES and the potential presence of barricading.

Previous ECM designs have been grouped into four categories described by the following tables. The tables include information related to the design of the magazines including size and maximum stowage capacity. Only the designs within the first category, Table 1, are pre-approved as 7- or 3- Bar ECM Designs for new construction. The source of these tables is DDESB TP 15.

An individual summary page for each of the approved magazine designs is linked from Table 1. Electronic drawing files in PDF format are also provided along with additional information, if available, including guide specifications, AutoCAD or Micro Station drawings that can be downloaded and tailored for site-specific conditions, DDESB approval letters, and other relevant data. 041b061a72


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